Due to many external and internal reasons, the growth of hairs become stagnant. There are many homemade recipes by which we can grow our hairs naturally and without any harmful chemicals or medication. Homemade tips to grow your hair Faster Here are few homemade tips to grow your hair faster 1. Onion Juice Grate an onion and squeeze out its juice. Apply once a week and always wash it off with warm water and mild shampoo 2. Apple Cider Vinegar Take a cotton ball dip in apple cider vinegar and dab it on the scalp. Repeat it once a week and feel your hair grow faster 3. Aloe Vera Gel Since ages, it is used on hairs. Now you can find ready-made aloe vera-gels available in the market. 4. Honey Honey is rich in iron and many other minerals which are good for hairs. Gently massage your hairs before washing. 5. Tea Apply a mixture of used tea on hairs to make them long and healthy. Rice Water For Hair Growth- Soak rice in water afro m...
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